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City Clerk & Board Secretary Boot Camp

In today’s ever-changing municipal landscape, there is no shortage of challenges and new initiatives for city clerks and board secretaries to address. In an effort to help officials remain ahead of the curve and proactive in their respective roles and communities, Best Best & Krieger LLP has created a comprehensive on-demand training program that covers many of the new and developing challenges in compliance, elections, local legislation and more.

BBK’s City Clerk & Board Secretary Boot Camp is an essential resource for new and tenured local officials. The on-demand package includes three new trainings in one curriculum. Each individual session is available to view anytime and anywhere based on your schedule and preferred means. 

While these modules are not pre-approved by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) for CMC/MMC points, you will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of each session, and this Certificate may be included with your CMC/MMC application for consideration by the IIMC education department for possible application of points under the Experience Component – Continuing Education category.

Spotting Social Media Issues (45 minutes)
Presented by BBK Partner HongDao Nguyen
Social media is a great tool for public officials to interact with, and hear from, their constituents. However, there are some potential issues that could arise when elected officials communicate with the community and one another online. A conversation—and even a thumbs up emoji—could be at odds with open meeting laws, the First Amendment or other public agency laws. In this BBK boot camp session, Partner HongDao Nguyen discusses the potential difficulties that public officials may face when using social media, and how to avoid them.

Campaign Reporting in Non-Election Years (45 minutes)
Presented by BBK Director of Election Services Stephanie Smith
Did you know that elected officials without an open Campaign Finance Committee have to file a Form 470 EVERY year they are in office, even if they aren’t running an active campaign? Campaign Finance Reporting is an annual process, yet resources for knowing what to report and when are scarce during non-election years. This BBK boot camp session provides local filing officers with the nuts and bolts of FPPC requirements, with an emphasis on reporting in non-election years. Help your elected officials and active committees stay in compliance by refreshing your knowledge of Campaign Reporting in Non-Election Years.

An Overview of the California Public Records Act, Electronic Records and Records Retention (75 minutes)
Presented by BBK Director of Election Services Stephanie Smith
From requests for routine agendas to detailed searches for obscure emails about confidential topics, the ins and outs of the California Public Records Act can be daunting. This BBK boot camp session provides an overview of the CPRA’s requirements, with special emphasis on electronic records and email. You will learn the difference between responsive and disclosable, and why watching the calendar is so important. Insider tip: You don’t have to produce documents in 10 days! To tie everything together, we discuss the basics of records retention, and why creating and then following, a retention schedule is your agency’s best defense when faced with challenging requests for public documents. 

Course length: 2.75  hours

For pricing or to suggest a future webinar topic, please click here.

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